Friday, July 3, 2009

We're Moving On Up!

(I'm singing the theme song to The Jeffersons while I type) ...

Preston is the webmaster for our website. Any website owner knows that the goal is to be on the first page of Google. We've been working on things over the years to make that happen.

As of today, when you google "icelandic sheep," we are on page 4, up from page 14! But even more cool, on the first page, the 4th item down is "Image Results." The 3rd picture is one of my sheep from our website!! How cool is that?!

If you google "icelandic sheep ohio," we have moved to the #1 spot on page 1 ... even beating out which is the Icelandic Sheep Breeders Association. We used to be further down the page a ways. Yippee!!

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