Friday, July 31, 2009
Sheep, Sleep, Beans, Sleep, Sheep, Sleep, Beans ...
Then yesterday, both boys helped me pick beans from the garden near the house. We picked about 30 pounds of beans! I just couldn't imagine canning all of them, so we did a quick rinse in the deep sink and put them in a large cooler for Preston to take to work and offer to everyone there. I haven't seen him yet this evening, so I don't know yet how many he is bringing home. I wonder if sheep like beans?
I made two sheep deliveries this week. Dudley, an adult wether, and Hannah's little black wethered ram lamb were loaded up Wednesday morning in the rain with the help of Ben. We were able to get the lamb in a large dog crate, but Dudley got to run "free range" in the bed of the truck.
I drove by myself to Beaver, OH ... about 80 miles southeast of here into the beautiful mountains of Ohio. The last 45 minutes was a continuous series of 30 mph S-curves. Even I was car sick when I got there and wondered if sheep got motion sickness. I arrived at Lynn's driveway and panicked when I saw that their dirt driveway with a 45 degree incline was completely washed out by the rain. I quickly called and told her I wasn't going to be able to get up the driveway in the truck. So she drove down in her car that has a hatchback. I will use Lynn's description of the trip as her husband gunned the car up the driveway:
Dudley "who is now sitting in my lap pooping away as I hang onto his horns for dear life as we bumpity bump and get air hauling ass up the grand canyon that is my driveway."
Now I was really car sick! We then had to walk (read drag) 175 pound-built-like-a-brick-house Dudley about 150 feet to the entrance of their fence down a rain-slicked hill and he wanted nothing to do with wherever it was we were taking him. Finally, success. We catch out breath and back down the "grand canyon" we go.
We slide the dog crate (good decision) into the car and Lynn sits back there to keep the crate from going airborn. Ditto on the trip back up. I decided to take the lamb out of the crate and walk him down the hill ... probably not the best choice in hind sight. The smaller the sheep, the more they can swing their body in violent opposition to what you are trying to accomplish. It had to be funny to watch, I'm sure. But I bet that crate would have just slid nicely down the hill.
Well at the sight of lush greenery, both sheep walked into their new home like it was nothing to get them there. They have a beautiful shaded hillside they now call home. One more bumpity bump down the hill, catch my breath, and wind my way out of the mountains in the pouring rain.
Well, that was so much fun, I decide to email Halle to see if she's ready for her sheep on short notice ... I figure since the truck is a mess, why not get it all done at once. Halle lives near Cleveland and bought several sheep from me last year. She arrived in a UHaul utility van that couldn't have had more than 10,000 miles on it. We loaded the sheep in the van and she headed home. I can only imagine what the next renters of the van thought!!
This time, she asked if I could meet her half way. So Ben helped me load up two of the ewe lambs, one of Delia's twins and Bianca's ewe. They had the run of the truck bed. We met at the McDonald's off I-71 at exit 151. When I read the comments: This Mc Donald's is in the middle of a corn field! I thought this would be perfect if they get loose! Fortunately, everything went smoothly, but I had to wonder what people were thinking as they went through the drive-thru! "Yikes, is that what's in my burger?!?" You could be so lucky!
Back home, after picking the 30 pounds of beans, I cleaned out the bed of the truck ... always fun! Ben and I dug a post hole with the auger on the tractor and assembled an H-brace for one of the final runs of fence out back. When Preston came home, we also put in another H-brace along the property line so we could create an opening for a small gate between us and our neighbors. We've had to either jump over barbed wire or drive nearly a mile! from their house to ours. Now it will be just a quick jaunt across the pasture.
Today everything hurts ... my wrist from one of Dudley's quick moves, my head from the 2x4 framed lid to the hay feeder that fell on my head, my knee from wrestling sheep I can only imagine, the poison ivy all over my arm, neck and sides, even my ears from a build up of fluid according to the doctor. Therefore you can appreciate my need for a nap today. I washed a fleece and fell asleep reading a book.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
And So I Decided to Ted the Hay
Saturday, 6:30am: I'm stirring awake and I hear the sound of thunder. "NO!!! The earliest guy said 8am and then actually changed his forecast to later!! They really have no clue." Then the wind immediately picks up and it starts pouring. I jump out of bed, throw on my bathrobe, run to close all the windows and then run outside to the porch to move the two fleeces that were essentially dry when I went to bed, but figured I'd get them in the morning. Well, the rain had already gotten them wet even on the covered porch. The wind had blown a bunch out on the grass, so there I am in my bathrobe and bare feet running around in the rain gathering up my wool. This is all within 5 minutes of waking up!!!! I collapse on the couch to catch my breath, say goodbye to the remaining hay and wait for the coffee to finish.
So Plan B was to work with the lambs. Several needed their second dose of vaccine, all needs their hooves trimmed. A couple who are leaving the farm this week needed to be tagged (an earring in their ear). And I dewormed them all for good measure since several more will be leaving the farm in the next couple weeks. After wrestling with some more than others, I decided who my favorites were. One little gal had more spunk that some twice her size. She flopped and fought me with every ounce of her being. But we got the job done.
This is the time of year when I am really battling parasites. I've lost several lambs to them in past years and I am so determined not to lose anyone this year. So I'm trying some new things. Aside from the internal chemical dewormers and natural dewormers, I decided I would try taking them off pasture (which is where the parasites are) and put them on "dry lot" for a week and see if they improve.
So Ben helped me fence in a little area adjacent to pastures 1 & 2 and the old barn. It's all concrete there with a door into an enclosed area in the barn for shelter. I put all 13 of the lambs in there along with Dudley, an adult wether who is leaving the farm this week. I wanted him to be with the lamb he is going with so they could do a little bonding. Dudley isn't really too keen on having to hang out with a bunch of whiny munchins, but he'll live.
So we go in for dinner and afterwards I ponder some relaxing things to do on my way to check on the lambs. The remaining 4 lambs were weaned today as well, so they were at the fence crying. I walk closer and don't see anybody else. I go inside the barn ... no sheep. Dudley had obviously led the charge and walked over the fence ... that obviously wasn't too enforced. There they all were out grazing in a bit of hay field that hadn't been mowed. Clover heaven!!
So I go get Preston, we decide there are a couple places where there are cracks in the concrete we can put in posts. We get that handled. We roll back the fence and psyched up to go herd the sheep back and here comes Dudley and all the lambs following him back to the barn! There is a God!! He's trying to make it up to me for all the rain. We close the fence, tie it to the posts. They are in there now.
I walk back around to pick up some of the tools and a I think I see something ... I back up ... a lamb is still out there! Two lambs!! I thought I counted right, but apparently not. So I get Preston again and we herd them back. They really want to be with everyone else, so we roll the fence back a little and they walk right in. Everyone is where they are supposed to be. So much for relaxing ... it's time for bed. Maybe tomorrow.
Friday, July 24, 2009
The Weather Man
We hope to bale hay three times per season... roughly Memorial Day, 4th of July, and Labor Day ... give or take a week or two. We decided to sell all of our first cutting because it is very "stemmy" and my sheep always pick around for the soft stuff, leaving the stems for me to haul away. The second cutting would be much softer and more ideally suited for the sheep.
Well, this also seemed to be the year for clover! It has taken over all of the pastures, the hay field, my gardens. The sheep love it, but it can be too rich, so a nice balance of clover and grass is best. Anyway, we began a couple weeks ago looking at the forecast for about 4 days of no forecasted rain. We wanted to cut a week ago Thurs, then bale on the weekend. But they were certain it was going to rain on Thursday. So we didn't cut... and it didn't rain a drop. The weekend was exceptionally cool ... a record low high temperature ... would have been wonderful to bale in, but no. We relied on the weather man and he was wrong.
As an aside, I am using the term "weather man" generically to cover all forecasters. I look at about 4 websites and it's no surprise that they are drastically different. (our local TV station's website)
So the week went on and it looked like we could cut Saturday & Sunday (18/19th). It was supposed to be sunny with either 20% or 30% chance of rain forecasted by everyone through Wednesday, with the next big chance of rain on Thursday. Sunday, Monday and Tuesday were not sunny or even partly sunny (which is important to dry hay), nor was there any breeze (there is always a breeze in Ohio!) So the hay didn't dry very fast. And by Monday, the weather man decided there was now a 70% chance of rain on Wednesday!!
Tuesday night we baled 25 bales to see how they would be and they were way too wet. You can tell when the bale weighs 75-100 pounds instead of 50 pounds. And just a couple days later, it's now soggy instead of crisp and dry. When you break it open, it's warm to the touch and it smells of fermentation. In another 5-7 days, it will be moldy inside and it will be junk.
So Wednesday came and we received 1.4" of rain. It rained all day. I was happy for the garden. I was happy for the pastures. I was devastated for the hay field. Yesterday (Thursday), the sun never came out, so it just sat there remaining soggy. I went out this morning and it is still very wet and I'm wondering if I should ted it or not (fluff it up with a circular rake-type thing). Checking all of the weather sites, there is supposed to be rain tomorrow. The big disagreement is when. One says 8am, one says 11am, one says late afternoon. The hay may not be worth keeping in the end, but it has to come off the field to make way for the 3rd cutting. Otherwise we'll get all that dead chaff in the next bales.
So what to do with the weather man? They should provide a rating on their website with the percentage accuracy of their forecast. That would give you an idea of who to believe. I could send them a bill for the $1000 in hay I will have to buy to replace what I lost. Maybe the government would include me in their "bale" out plan. If anyone has a reliable weather site, please let me know!
Well, gotta close here ... need to go find a weekend with no rain so we can go camping :)
Friday, July 17, 2009
Summer Harvest
I purchased my 3rd dozen ears of sweet corn this morning. I can eat sweet corn every day of the summer and not get tired of it. We tried freezing it last summer and it had a funny taste. The farm where I bought it from made a few suggestions, so I'm going to do a small batch and try it out of the freezer before I do a bunch.
I planted one single solitary cucumber plant in my garden that claimed to be a "bush plant." I took that to mean it would be very compact and fit along nicely with the other vegetables that are in rows. HA!! It has spread across and thru it's two adjacent rows and has produced at least 20 cucumbers so far. I'm not a huge pickle fan, so I had to send Preston to work with a bunch the other day. I'm eating a lot of cucumber sandwiches for lunch!
We did try a refrigerator pickle though that came out pretty good. We are growing banana
Yesterday, I picked a variety of things from the garden... beets, cucumber, onion, beans and potatoes. I made 3 different summer salads and we took them down to a place on our property we call "The Park" for dinner.
The Park is a wooded area along the creek that we keep mowed down. It has a fire ring and a place to hang hammocks. Annie, our Sheltie, and I do our best to smell yummy enough to attract all the bugs away from everyone else.
Colton had the area freshly mowed and Ben weed-wacked so we could find the fire ring. They had a fire burning by the time I arrived with salads and hot dogs. Later we had s'mores for dessert ...yummy!
Monday, July 13, 2009
I Want My Maaaammy
Half of the lambs were ready to be weaned. But I thought since the moms were struggling, I'd wean just about everyone. So into separate pastures they went. I don't know if I can even begin to put into words what it's like to have 11 crying lambs non-stop for 24 hours. My sheep say "maa" rather than "baa." When they are mad, they say "MAAAAAAAA!" When they are really mad, it becomes multi-syllable, "MAAAHHH-AAAHHH-AAAA" and their voice goes up and down in octaves. Some start to sound like they are losing their voice. Some sound like they are crying. Some sound really mad. "I want my mom and I want her NOW!!!" It's pathetic and funny all at the same time. I was able to capture a short video of one of the lambs last night. Take a look ...
Meanwhile over in the mom's pasture, not a sound. "Ahhh, freedom ... finally. I can eat in peace without two little creatures coming up and attacking my udder until my back feet leave the ground."
We had to sleep with the furnace fan on to drown out the noise. Thankfully, that worked. I'm quite sure no creature on 4 legs got any sleep last night.
This morning, I was concerned a bit for the moms. They were clearly very full of milk. So I let them back to their babies for breakfast and lunch. Then the boys helped me separate them again. And do you know ... shhh...listen ... silence!! They are quiet now. Yippee!
Washing Wool
The next step is to skirt the fleece. This involves laying the fleece open on a screen and pulling out any vegetable matter, short fibers or
The next step is to wash the fleece. This can either be done by me or by the wool processor. It doesn't cost much to have them do it. However, the turn-around time for processing a fleece that requires washing is about 4 months. I have a fiber festival in September, so I am washing my fall fleeces. I can then call the processor ahead of time and they will allow me to bring my fleeces and have them processed on the spot.
So today is about the washing. I bought an old ringer washer at an auction a while back. I have it on the back porch outside the laundry room. You
And, surprise, surprise ... some wasps had started building a nest inside the roller cavity. I battled them thru the washing, but they were sprayed later that night.
I repeat the process again with detergent and a third time to rinse. Hopefully by now the water is
Now the fleece is ready for the processor. I'll share that with you when I drive down their next month!
Friday, July 10, 2009
A Bird's Eye View
I thought you'd like to see the actual view of the pastures and buildings as it compares to the drawing I showed in my first post.
You can see dots of sheep in pasture 3 now. The rams are in pasture D.
Preston just mowed pasture 2, that's why it doesn't look so inviting, but it will soon.
You can see more of Preston's aerial
Oh, and please note the tree where Frank's skin was found ... right outside the back door :)
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Holy Lou Ferrigno!
Well, this wasp must have had "super venom" powers. Although there was no immediate swelling, the next morning, his hand was swollen around the bite. By dinner time that night, his whole hand was swollen. By the next morning, it was half way up his arm. And even today, although the hand has gone down a little bit, the swelling is almost to his elbow. His hand looked like the incredible hulk. We did go to the doctor yesterday just in case. He wasn't allergic, it was just how his body reacted, but it was considered "normal." YIKES!
He ran into a friend of his at the hospital and his friend reached out to shake his hand. Upon gripping his hand, he looked down ... man, what happened?!
The doctor did give us a page out of a book on things you can do for comfort ... anti-histamine, hydro cortisone, tylenol, ice... stuff we all know. It also confirmed my "home remedy" of using meat tenderizer. But they suggested making a solution and applying it with a cotton ball. I thought that was a great idea, as I use a ton of this stuff in the summer.
I am a magnet for wasps, deer flies, mosquitoes, and sweat bees. The sweat bees land on the backs of my knees when I'm out working on fence or something, I bend down, they bite me, they die, I scream ... and then run for the meat tenderizer. I guess I come out with the better deal in the end, but it's still aggravating. Anyway, I bought a new bottle of meat tenderizer today and added water to make a solution and will keep it handy with some cotton balls for the next attack.
I think our llama got bit in the mouth one day by a bee. The white clover is very much in bloom and one day he was eating outside my office window and all of a sudden, he started flailing his body all around and started spitting and coughing for several minutes. I was sure he'd eaten a bee ... poor guy. That had to hurt.
Ah, the joys of summer!
Monday, July 6, 2009
A New Llama
Well, we had a new llama arrive a couple weeks ago. We use llamas as guard animals to protect the sheep from coyotes primarily. If provoked, the llama would stomp the coyote. Sometimes just the sheer intimidation and vocal alarming is enough to scare them away.
Anyway, my friend Dawn who owns Carmen Llama Ranch in St. Paris, OH has brought me two other llamas and she needed a home for Care Bear, a female llama. So she has come to live with us.
Dawn and Lloyd arrived with CareBear in their trailer. I walked her into the ewe pasture filled with new moms and lots of lambs. CareBear was naturally curious and wanted to meet everyone which basically amounted to her chasing them. After a bit, I let her go and we watched for quite a while and things seemed to be ok.
... about 5 minutes after Dawn and her husband left, Preston and I went into the ram pasture to let the rams into their new grazing area. We look up and see Care Bear prancing from around the old barn and down the driveway!!! Apparently she didn't understand why she was being left behind and was going to let them know they forgot her!
... at this point Valur (our dog) sees her and starts to run after her. We were able to get Valur to come back and saw that Care Bear had gone past the house, but veered onto the lawn down towards the garden which is fenced all around. So Preston raced down the driveway on his tractor to close our gate. After a few minutes I was able to coax her into the pasture where Dudley & Mora were. They were still separate from the new moms. So I thought I'd best leave her there with just the two sheep for a couple days to get used to her surroundings without having to worry about a bunch of lambs and protective moms.
A few days later, I combined everyone together and she had calmed down considerably. She was so intent on taking in every square inch of her new surroundings. I knew then she would make a good guard llama.
She did see her first deer every and it was funny to watch ... it was an alarming llama / snorting deer match for about 10 minutes before the deer ran off. If you've never heard a llama alarm, the only thing I can compare it to is a turkey gobble.
I can tell she is taking her job seriously. The moms tend to get eating and forget about the where-abouts of their lambs and CareBear tends to them and keeps and eye on them. And I could tell the sheep had accepted her when they "let her" into the shelter with them when it was raining.
Yesterday I went outside and saw a deer down toward the bridge. CareBear was busy eating and I called to her that there was a deer. She looked up and saw the deer and immediately took action to shoo it away.
Dawn chronicled her visit here on her blog. You can see more photos there ... Scroll down to Fri, June 5th. You will learn about llama shearing and then there are photos from her visit here.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Meet Frank
For instance, when I see a mouse in my house or in the milk house where the feed/grain is kept, they are an enemy. They eat my food and that of the sheep and chickens. They need to go.
The wild barn cat is definitely a friend who will help eliminate the mice. We call her Tiger Kitty.
There was another permanent resident who greeted me shortly after moving here. We have named him Frank. He is a Rat Snake.
- The common rat snake is medium-sized, averaging 3.5' to 6' (up to 8') in length.
- Common rat snakes tend to be shy.
- Rat snakes produce a foul-smelling musk and release it on the predator if they are picked up.
- Common rat snakes are excellent climbers and spend a lot of time in trees.
- Rat snakes are very useful around barns and in farming communities because they help control pest populations.
- Due to people's lack of knowledge and fear of snakes, rat snakes continue to be the victim of human persecution. They are actually endangered in Massachusetts.
We came home from breakfast this morning and Colton asked if we'd seen the snake skin in the maple tree right outside our house. We checked and sure enough, there was Frank's skin. I was able to get it out of the tree intact and it was well over 6 feet long. You see Colton holding it here and he's probably 6'0" with his sneakers on. It was the entire skin, including the head, as you can see the eyes. We've collected two other skins in our cellar, but they were only partial.
I found the picture of the snake in the tree and the "facts" on:
Friday, July 3, 2009
We're Moving On Up!
Preston is the webmaster for our website. Any website owner knows that the goal is to be on the first page of Google. We've been working on things over the years to make that happen.
As of today, when you google "icelandic sheep," we are on page 4, up from page 14! But even more cool, on the first page, the 4th item down is "Image Results." The 3rd picture is one of my sheep from our website!! How cool is that?!
If you google "icelandic sheep ohio," we have moved to the #1 spot on page 1 ... even beating out which is the Icelandic Sheep Breeders Association. We used to be further down the page a ways. Yippee!!
Sheep on the Farm
It's been a tough week for one of the moms, Hershey. She stopped eating last week and spent most of the day in the shelter away from everyone including her lambs. Certainly not a good sign. My first check didn't lead me to anything other than a hoof that needed to be trimmed (I couldn't reach it when she was pregnant) and a need for deworming. I gave her a vitamin boost, but the next day there was no improvement. I decided it had to be more than parasites, so I gave her an antibiotic. A day or so later, with no improvement, I discovered one side of her utter was infected. She had mastitis. I had checked it a couple days ago, but didn't notice anything wrong. At this point, it was clearly the problem. It was severely swollen and hard.
So I moved her and her lambs up to the barn and gave them a small area to graze. She had already stopped allowing the babies to nurse, so I knew I'd have to supplement their diets as well. My "bible" for ewe and lamb care is Caring for Your Ewe by Laura Lawson. She suggested an antibiotic, an anti-imflammatory, some vitamin B and to milk her at least 3 times per day. She would also need some oxytocin to allow her milk to let down. When I milked her, I discovered that she had blood in her milk. In fact, it really didn't even resemble milk, just watery blood.
After 24 hours of treatment, there wasn't any improvement, so I called the vet again and he suggested this antibiotic gel that is inserted into the teat. That didn't sound fun for me or Hershey. But surprisingly it was easier than I thought and she took it like a trooper. I think she knew I was there to help. She had been very easy to handle during all this which isn't necessarily like her.
Today I had to administer a 2nd dose of the internal antibiotic gel. She was a little less excited about coming in for her treatment and a little less cooperative during the procedure, and I took that as a good sign that she was getting her spunk back. She also seemed to be outside eating a lot more today ... another good sign. Tomorrow I give her the 2nd and final dose of injectable antibiotic. Hopefully the swelling will start to go down.